
Risk Analysis Services (RAS) helps level the playing field in the insurance marketplace!


Our Story: Risk Analysis to Save Your Company Money.

Alan Cantor has been a pioneer in the Risk Analysis Field, starting in the 1970s. Using his expertise in statistical forecasting, many years ago he saw the value of programming computers to help massage complex data. He started developing the RiskMap® family of products and services to help make client data much more manageable and predictable.

Mr. Cantor distinguished himself by completing successful and innovative projects for many industries. One example is creating a Risk Analysis of American Nuclear Power plants for the American Electric Power Institute, which saved American Electric Utilities tens of millions of dollars per year.


Another successful project included landmark analyses of the pharmaceutical industry leaders Squibb, Pfizer, et al. This led to positive actionable improvements in risk and quality management, also saving tens of millions of dollars per year.

Mr. Cantor also did risk analyses of 25 years of 25,000 New York physicians malpractice claims. His projections enabled the favorable placement of Medical Malpractice Insurance in weeks, after the NY Doctors policy had been suddenly cancelled by the Argonaut Insurance Company. This saved millions of dollars for clients, and accurately projected future losses. Looking back 5 years after the projections were made, the actual losses were within 1% from the projections! The mathematics works when the data are treated objectively and without the distortions of various “fudge factors” so common in the insurance pricing process.

Mr. Cantor developed the first copyrighted risk financing simulation model — the Airline Industry Model — which was initially used to support optimal placement of hull and liability insurance for major airlines at Lloyds. The model formed the basis for pricing and sale of Aviation Liability Insurance with the sale of the Beech Aircraft King Air. The Copyrighted Airline Industry Model code went into the Public Domain, where its methodologies formed the basis for the pricing of flight insurance along with credit card purchases of airline tickets.

As part of his development of the copyrighted Airline Industry Model (which became part of the public domain), Mr. Cantor invented the concept of a hybrid exposure base (weighted average of multiple exposure measures), which was subsequently applied in statistical modeling in multiple industries, including financial services and healthcare.

Mr. Cantor conceived, designed, developed, and produced seminar series which he then presented to over 300 Marsh executives. The topics included computerized automated discounted cash flow analysis for comparative risk financing alternatives. His work helped achieved tens of millions of dollars in additional recurring revenue for Marsh.

When it became ever clearer to Mr. Cantor that PC-based technology could achieve comparable results for a broader base of clients, he first founded Cantor & Company, and now co-founded Risk Analysis Services LLC, continuing to develop statistical analytical tools to facilitate focused
quantitative risk analysis.

Meet Our Team


Alan Cantor

Alan Cantor distinguished himself by completing successful and innovative projects for the nuclear power industry, aviation industry, pharmaceuticals industry, healthcare providers, hospital and other industries. He produced a risk analysis of American Nuclear Power plants for the American Electric Power Institute. This saved American Electric Utilities tens of millions per year, as well as other multi-million dollar savings for others.

Mr. Cantor conceived, designed, and produced a series of seminars which he presented to over 300 Marsh executives. They focused on computerized automated discounted cash flow analysis for comparative risk financing alternatives.

Mr. Cantor has been a speaker at annual Risk and Insurance Society (RIMS) Conferences for 13 years. He developed and presented Seminars on Loss Forecasting and Risk Financing in cities across the USA and in London.


Larry Rudwick

Larry Rudwick co-founded a business in 1977, which ultimately became the leading wheelchair parts and accessories supplier, capturing 45% of the US market. He also received three U.S. patents during this period.

After that business was acquired in 1996, Larry started a business coaching and consulting firm, BusinessTune-Ups.com. He has worked with a wide variety of  businesses and individuals, helping them to improve their marketing efforts, sales revenues, efficiencies, and profits, while reducing their risks, and increasing their value.

Mr. Rudwick met and started working with Alan Cantor in 2010, and co-founded Risk Analysis Services, LLC.